Tuesday 4 February 2014


My acupuncturist first mentioned I should try juicing as a fantastic way to benefit from essential vitamins and minerals while I struggled to hold down food.  It sounded like the perfect solution, as I was worried about baby not being able to get any nutrients while I was so horribly sick.  From that day on I have not looked back and I am now totally obsessed with juicing!  I  have a juice a day now and not only do they taste sublime, but I feel nicely reassured baby is feeling the benefits too.

All you need to get started is a juicer (prices can vary from £30-£500) and of course the ingredients.  I use the Magimix Le Duo Plus XL Juicer which is perfect and does a great job.  If you wanted something more versatile (for sauces, chopping, soups) I would recommend the legendary and incredible Vitamix, which is reflected in the price and definitely the king of all juicers - serious lust!

My must have ingredients to serve as a base for the juice are apples, spinach and celery ( I use all of these in every juice).  I sometimes add ginger or cinnamon to boost the taste and if you like your juice to be very runny I would add some bottled water, coconut water or ice.   If you wanted to make it more of a smoothie simply add some dollops of natural yogurt and sprinkle seeds or goji berries - so yummy!  
You really can invent any recipe you like and it is so fun to think and create new ones.  If you wanted to follow a recipe book for juices I would highly recommend Jason Vale's The Juice Master book, which is crammed full of wonderful different juices to try and he explains in depth all the health benefits that comes from juicing and a really informative section in the back on each fruit and vegetable's vitamins and minerals and what they can be good for - it really is a brilliant and inspiring book!

My current favourite recipe:

A large handful of spinach -  1 celery stalk -  a good handful of kale - 2 peeled kiwis - two apples - 2 handfuls of blueberries - a good handful of blackberries - half a small peeled pineapple .

 Et voilĂ ! 

Emi xx

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