Thursday 6 February 2014

Week 26 Pregnancy Update

Apologies for the horrendous picture quality! iPhones are dreadful cameras

How far along?
27 weeks and 1 day today

Total weight gain?
I will find out early next week at my 28 week midwife appointment, but it has to be a lot I look like I have swallowed a beach ball!

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new but I definitely need to buy some maternity tops now.

Stretch marks?
Nothing, yay!

This week sleeping hasn't been great, my pelvic pain has increased! Every slight movement in bed wakes me up with excruciating pain which means I still need an extra cat nap during the day!

Best moment this week?
Probably getting to know baby's routine, it is so nice to know when they are active and when they are resting.  Although this week they have discovered my ribs!

Worst moment this week?
Just this horrible pelvic pain and not being able to take painkillers.

Food cravings?
Nothing this week - I just want to eat everything and anything! Food is all I think about, which is so weird for me.

Miss anything?
I really miss my old pre pregnancy body and I miss being more mobile, things are definitely getting harder as I am getting bigger.

Loads of movement this week which I absolutely love, there is honestly no better feeling in this world than feeling your baby moving inside of you.  The kicks and jabs are definitely getting stronger every week which still never fails to take my breath away.

The absolute worst symptom this week has to be the pelvic pain! It feels like my pelvis is actually broken and any slight movement is torture, I am having acupuncture later today so hopefully this will help relieve it.  Still have bad acid reflux and heartburn this week and in the evenings I have been getting period pain like cramps, but they don't last long.

We know but we want to try and keep it a surprise which is so hard, especially with baby brain!

General mood?
Generally this week my mood has been great but I still get the random bouts of crying that come from nowhere and I just feel really emotional and teary for no reason! I know it is just the pesky hormones but I feel like a crazy person when it happens.

Looking forward to?
I can not wait for the weekend as the husband and I are going baby shopping for quite a few big baby items like the moses basket, the pram, car seat etc - super exciting!

Emi xx

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