Wednesday 19 February 2014

28 Week Pregnancy Update

Sorry for the wellies! We were walking the doggies

How far along?
29 weeks today

Total weight gain?
I still have no idea but I have definitely noticed it in the thigh and hip area and possibly in my face! Waaaaa!!

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new but I have got some gorgeous things for baby. The Little White Company is a dangerous place! 

Stretch marks?
Still nothing - I am applying every oil and cream religiously! My Linea nigra line is getting stronger and it's wonky!

Sleep hasn't been too bad this week thank goodness although I still have the lovely midnight loo trips and I am definitely noticing the weight of baby now when I roll over. 

Best moment this week?
It has been a really nice and relaxed week this week, I had a wonderful birthday and got super spoilt -  it was just so nice to relax with my husband, going for country walks and having cozy nights in watching baby moving around in my tummy.  Also our moses basket arrived this week and it is so so beautiful, it is from Emile et Rose - I can not wait for baby to be here now!

Worst moment this week?
On Monday night my pelvis decided to give up on me! I simply couldn't move and the pain was excruciating! I had to be carried upstairs, which was a drama in itself as I am not as light as I used to be! The pain has only just subsided after a lot of rest! Three years ago I was unfortunate to break my hip and although I am fully recovered and my surgeon said my pregnancy won't be affected I feel that my pelvic pain is a result of the weakness in that area as the pain only really occurs on the side where I had my fracture.  I have decided to try some antenatal physio next week and hopefully that will help relieve some of the pain!

Food cravings?
I am still hungry all the time, even though it is getting harder and harder to eat a lot as my stomach is getting so squashed!

Miss anything?
I just miss my old body - being able to move, pick things up and walk without waddling and getting really out of breath! 

Heaps of movement this week, the kicks and prods are getting so so strong - no more scary moments of quiet this week that is for sure! I have felt baby hiccuping for the first time this week and it is the cutest thing ever! Sometimes they can last for 15 minutes at a time and I feel bad there isn't anything I can do to help stop them!

I have a delightful list of symptoms this week!  Backache, pelvic pain, heartburn, itchy tummy, period pain like cramps, tiredness, sore feet and when baby decides to rest on my bladder - a million loo trips! 

General mood?
Despite all my aches and pains I am very happy!

Looking forward to?
Starting our NCT classes in one week today!  I can not believe how quickly the third trimester is going - two months time I am going to be a mummy!

Emi xx

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