Thursday 30 January 2014

Week 25 Pregnancy Update

How far along? 
26 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain?
I am guessing over a stone! I feel absolutely enormous and there are still 14 weeks left, yikes!

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new I am just living in my Topshop maternity jeans which are so comfortable, the bump band is super soft.  I am still managing to fit into my jumpers and tops so fingers crossed I can get away with this for a bit longer.

Stretch marks?
Nothing, thank goodness I keep slathering on the creams and oils!

Sleep hasn't been great this week with horrible pelvic pain and back ache (feels like my bones are being crushed) rolling on either side is seriously hard work! My dreamgenii pregnancy pillow is a lifesaver though.  I have also had some ridiculously vivid dreams this week and nasty acid reflux - boo!

Best moment this week?
Hearing baby's heartbeat at my 25 week check up, it never fails to amaze me.  Also having some really strong movements this week and be able to see actual areas of my tummy being pushed out! Crazy but beautiful

Worst moment this week?
Really painful pelvic girdle pain

Food cravings?
Still just craving copious amounts of chocolate, which is weird for me as I never was mad on chocolate before being pregnant.  This week I have also noticed my appetite this week has increased, if that is at all possible!

Miss anything?
I miss being able to have proper cuddles with the husband and I really miss runny eggs!

Lots of movement this week which is definitely getting a lot stronger, which can take my breath away but I love it so much, by far the best part of pregnancy!

We are trying to keep it a surprise!

The main one this week has to be the pelvic pain and back ache. Warm baths seem to help, I am just hoping it doesn't get any worse! I have also got acid reflux, which is so horrible as it feels like I might throw up - again!

General mood?
I feel really content this week and really happy! Hormones have definitely calmed down a lot recently, so less crying at everything and anything!

Looking forward to anything?
I have finally booked a well overdue hair appointment just before my birthday in a few weeks!

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