Thursday 27 February 2014

29 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along? 
30 weeks and 1 day

Maternity clothes?
I stocked up on the most comfortable maternity bras, Emma Jane. They have been an absolute lifesaver! Jo Jo Maman Bebe offer a brilliant measuring service and stock various maternity bras but the Emma Jane bras really are the best.

Stretch marks?
None - I am so obsessed with the Mama Mio stretch mark oil, it smells heavenly and literally has magical powers when it comes to softening the skin!

This week sleep has been pretty bad, my pelvic pain has been horrendous and on Sunday night during my many loo trips my pelvis decided to give way and 'crunch' the pain was horrific, it made me feel like I was going to throw up instantly and I cried so much with the pain :(  I only hope labour isn't as painful as that was!! Bump is also getting much heavier so rolling over in bed is becoming challenging to say the least. 

Best moment this week?
We had our first Hypnobirth session this week and it was amazing!! I felt completely relaxed and so much more confident about the birth after the session.  I am definitely someone who benefits from any relaxation technique so it was hugely beneficial and inspiring, I would highly recommend it! We have two more sessions left and I have to practice everyday.  We also had our first NCT class yesterday which was  brilliant and so fantastic to meet other couples in the same position, so I am really looking forward to the next one.  

Worst moment this week?
Just my pelvic pain, my physio has helped but it is still so painful!

Food cravings?
Nothing really but I am still ravenous all the time and it feels like my life is revolved around food!  I am also drinking a huge amount, I always drink masses of water but I have been needing to up my intake this week.

Miss anything?
I am missing being able to do simple things with ease like, putting on my shoes or getting up from a chair and I miss not having continuous aches and pains!

Lots of wonderful kicks and prods this week, sometimes it feels like baby is having a rave in my tummy!  Baby has also had lots of bouts of hiccups this week, so much so I wanted to call the midwife to check it was normal!  I feel so bad for them when it happens, poor little angel! 

This week I experienced my first Braxton Hicks!  They didn't hurt just felt quite uncomfortable and so bizarre when your belly completely tightens, it was like baby was being vacuum packed!  Everything is starting to feel very real now, I can't believe I am going to be a mummy in two months! My heartburn has also returned this week, which is horrible, everything just feels extremely squashed now! The third trimester tiredness has decided to make itself known too this week, growing a human being is hard!!

General mood?
So happy but quite impatient to meet this little one now! 

Looking forward to?
More Hypnobirth and NCT classes and hearing baby's heartbeat again on Monday at my 31 week check up.

Emi xx

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