Thursday 13 February 2014

27 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
28 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain? 
Unfortunately my midwife didn't weigh me at my 28 week appointment so I still have no idea, but this week I have noticed some weight gain in the thigh area. *cries a little*

Maternity clothes?
I was lucky enough to receive some Jo Jo Maman Bebe vouchers at Christmas so I am going to buy some Emma Jane nursing bras next week as I have read these are super duper comfortable. Just what I need right now!

Stretch marks?
Nope - long may this last!

Sleeping this week has been a bit hit and miss, after my acupuncture appointment last week I have definitely noticed an improvement in my pelvic pain (thank goodness).  However, this week I have had to go to the loo a lot more at night, I am really hoping it is just baby resting on my bladder as it is so tiring hauling out of bed 3/4 times a night - thank goodness for an en suite! 

Best moment this week?
This week there have been so many amazing moments! Firstly on Saturday the husband and I did some serious damage in John Lewis (it has to be the best place for everything baby).  We managed to buy a lot of the main items for baby like a moses basket, car seat, rocker, nursing chair and the most exciting of all, the pram!! I had every intention to buy the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 simply because it had been recommended by every mummy I know and we wanted a buggy that can go through all types of terrains.  That was until we saw the UPPAbaby Vista and compared the two, and the Uppababy just blew the Bugaboo out of the water in terms of extras, usability and general design.  I will do a full review of this pram once baby is here and I can give it the best test drive - serious inner-girl in me excitement! 
The second amazing thing that happened this week was hearing baby's heartbeat at my midwife appointment, I am so overwhelmed every time.  Baby was head down and measuring a little on the small side but my midwife said this is just because I am so tall! Baby has also started to really push out on my stomach so you can see big lumps and it gives my bump such a peculiar shape which is so funny to watch! I love watching this little darling growing everyday it has to be the most awe-inspiring experience.  
The last brilliant thing that happened this week, was I finally got my hair done after 7 looooong months, so ignore my awful before hair in these pictures! 

Worst moment this week?
I had two scary days when baby decided to not wriggle around as much as I was used to.  Thankfully I was due to see my midwife the following day so it was a momentous relief to hear that little heartbeat! She has said this can be fairly common especially if you are dehydrated or running around doing a lot, it is such a scary and anxious time when baby goes quiet I really hope it doesn't happen again.

Food cravings?
I am still wanting to eat everything and anything this week but I have also been really craving pineapple.

Miss anything?
Nothing really just my old pre-pregnancy body and being able to wear my old clothes!

Apart from those scary two days when baby was quieter than normal, movement has been crazy this week! This baby definitely likes pushing up against my belly! I am really looking forward to being able to identify different body parts when this happens.  I have also witnessed some amazing flips and kicks.

Thankfully after the miracle that is acupuncture, my pelvic pain has subsided - woo hoo! However my lower back pain seems to have increased along with the good old acid reflux, bleurgh.  It definitely feels like everything is getting more squashed now and sometimes it feels like my stomach is up inside my lungs!  Also in the evenings my nausea has returned (please no) but it doesn't last long thank goodness, I really really hope it doesn't rear it's ugly head again as I have read it can in the third trimester - ah the joys! 

General mood?
Really happy this week

Looking forward to?
It is my birthday on Sunday so I am looking forward to being with my gorgeous husband and family and eating lots of cake!

Emi xx

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