Wednesday 5 March 2014

30 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
31 weeks today

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new this week but I have just bought a birthing ball which is seriously comfortable and has really helped with my pelvic pain. 

Stretch marks?
Still nothing, fingers crossed I can escape them! 

Oh I wish I could write something positive about sleep, but sadly sleeping is still so uncomfortable.  Bump is so heavy now and for some reason all I want to do is toss and turn at night, which constantly wakes me up as my pelvis is not only screaming at me, but I feel like I have a huge bowling ball in my tummy.  Baby has also decided they want to be the most active in the middle of the night so I am woken up by huge kicks!  I actually love being woken up by them but it just means sleeping is really disturbed and I feel constantly tired because of it.

Best moment this week?
Watching baby dancing around in my tummy has to be the best thing this week, they are so strong now and I will never fail to be completely in awe of this tiny life growing inside of me.  I am pretty sure I can identify body parts now which is so exciting.  I am feeling massively positive and relaxed about the birth and the last few weeks of pregnancy,  practising my hypnobirth everyday has really helped and it has taught me to completely trust in nature and my body and that I am more than capable of being able to give birth - girl power and all! 

Worst moment this week?
I didn't have the nicest doctors appointment this week, I was so looking forward to hearing baby's heartbeat but the monitor they normally use wasn't available so my doctor used one of those old fashioned listening devices which really hurt when he pushed it into my tummy.  My blood pressure was also really high so I have to go back tomorrow for another check and baby is still measuring slightly small but I am sure it is because I am so tall.  I  also had the whooping cough injection this week which was absolutely fine, it just left me with a lovely dead arm!

Food cravings?
I am obsessed with Cadbury's cream eggs!! This has to be a serious perk with being pregnant at this time of year.

Miss anything?
It may sound silly but I really miss just being free to do things that I used to like, using certain beauty products, having a drink, going for long walks or runs, eating anything and everything without a second thought and not panicking about everything, like if I walk past someone who is smoking.  I keep daydreaming about having a glass of champagne and a platter of sushi - not long now!

Huge amounts of movement this week, sometimes it feels like I have Rambo in my tummy and the kicks can really be quite painful if baby is in certain positions, for some reason kicks in the side of my tummy are really uncomfortable!  Baby is still getting regular hiccups and has started to do what can only be described as a Mexican wave in my tummy - so cute!

Still the horrible pelvis pain and back ache this week, I think I will be grumbling about my pelvis until baby is here!  I am getting more and more breathless and just ridiculously tired all the time, it is first trimester all over again!  I am also even more forgetful at the moment and so clumsy!! I am dropping and spilling everything, it is becoming a bit of a joke just how much my brain is failing me! 

General mood?
Really content and happy this week.

Looking forward to?
I have a breast feeding class on Friday with NCT which should be really helpful.

Emi xx

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