Monday 31 March 2014

33 & 34 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
34 weeks and 5 days

Maternity clothes?
I have just placed an ASOS order for two more pairs of maternity jeans and a few tops.  The final few weeks of pregnancy have made me cave in and I am now in dire need for maternity clothes! Even after I have had baby I will still be wearing them so hopefully I will get good use out of them. I am still praying I snap back to my pre pregnancy weight pretty quickly though! I also have a wedding to go to in April so I am on the lookout for a dress which is flattering and doesn't make me look like I am wearing a tent!  I have also stocked up on more Emma Jane nursing bras as they are so ridiculously comfortable.

Stretch marks?
Still nothing even though my belly is still itchy. Thanking my lucky stars!

Sleep has been ok these past few weeks although the loo trips in the night have increased which is such a pain! My pelvis seems to be worse at night too so I have the horrendous 'crunching' most nights which is still unbelievably eye-wateringly painful.  Pretty much every night now I experience Braxton Hicks and period pain like cramps which vary in pain levels but I just see it as my body's way of preparing for the birth and I use my hypnobirthing techniques to deal with the pain which is great practice!

Best moment this week?
We had our hospital tour this week which was fantastic and made me feel a lot more relaxed about where I will be giving birth, all the birthing suites had just been spruced up so they looked really bright, airy and very spacious.  It was quite daunting thinking that the next time we would be on that ward would be when we meet our baby!

Worst moment this week?
Nothing this week has been that bad, thank goodness! We finished all our NCT classes which was really sad and felt like the end of an era but we are all keeping in touch and meeting for suppers etc soon before babies make an appearance which will be lovely!

Food cravings?
Nothing really, I am still obsessed with Cadbury's creme eggs, but that's probably not pregnancy related!

Miss anything?
Same as the previous weeks, I am missing being able to bend over easily so putting on shoes is still pretty impossible.  Also supermarket shopping is a real chore as I can't bend down to the lower shelves, it sounds silly but it really is frustrating!  I just can't wait to feel lighter and not the size of a house and I am trying not to notice all the beautiful Spring/Summer fashion around at the moment as I can't fit into any of it - waaaaaaah!

I have definitely noticed that baby's movement has slowed down a bit recently, they are still hugely active but I think space is becoming really limited so it's more like wriggles rather than lots of kicks and punches, although saying that, I am getting some super strong ones from time to time which still takes my breath away, especially when I have little feet kicking away at my ribs! Baby's hiccups are still a constant too, I am really trying to relish every single movement as I know it will be the one thing I will really miss about being pregnant.

Lots and lots of Braxton Hicks and period pain like cramps, headaches, heartburn and acid reflux, rib pain, back pain, tired legs and feet, and in the last few days I have noticed some swelling in my ankles and feet. Oh the joys!

General mood?
Really happy but feeling a little anxious as my due date gets ever closer!

Looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to just enjoying these final few weeks of my pregnancy. I have lots of little person's clothes to wash and organise and I have to pack mine and baby's hospital bag and generally get the house in order! I can't quite believe that in 5 weeks I will be meeting my baby and becoming a mother - I can not wait!!

Emi xx

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