Monday 31 March 2014

33 & 34 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
34 weeks and 5 days

Maternity clothes?
I have just placed an ASOS order for two more pairs of maternity jeans and a few tops.  The final few weeks of pregnancy have made me cave in and I am now in dire need for maternity clothes! Even after I have had baby I will still be wearing them so hopefully I will get good use out of them. I am still praying I snap back to my pre pregnancy weight pretty quickly though! I also have a wedding to go to in April so I am on the lookout for a dress which is flattering and doesn't make me look like I am wearing a tent!  I have also stocked up on more Emma Jane nursing bras as they are so ridiculously comfortable.

Stretch marks?
Still nothing even though my belly is still itchy. Thanking my lucky stars!

Sleep has been ok these past few weeks although the loo trips in the night have increased which is such a pain! My pelvis seems to be worse at night too so I have the horrendous 'crunching' most nights which is still unbelievably eye-wateringly painful.  Pretty much every night now I experience Braxton Hicks and period pain like cramps which vary in pain levels but I just see it as my body's way of preparing for the birth and I use my hypnobirthing techniques to deal with the pain which is great practice!

Best moment this week?
We had our hospital tour this week which was fantastic and made me feel a lot more relaxed about where I will be giving birth, all the birthing suites had just been spruced up so they looked really bright, airy and very spacious.  It was quite daunting thinking that the next time we would be on that ward would be when we meet our baby!

Worst moment this week?
Nothing this week has been that bad, thank goodness! We finished all our NCT classes which was really sad and felt like the end of an era but we are all keeping in touch and meeting for suppers etc soon before babies make an appearance which will be lovely!

Food cravings?
Nothing really, I am still obsessed with Cadbury's creme eggs, but that's probably not pregnancy related!

Miss anything?
Same as the previous weeks, I am missing being able to bend over easily so putting on shoes is still pretty impossible.  Also supermarket shopping is a real chore as I can't bend down to the lower shelves, it sounds silly but it really is frustrating!  I just can't wait to feel lighter and not the size of a house and I am trying not to notice all the beautiful Spring/Summer fashion around at the moment as I can't fit into any of it - waaaaaaah!

I have definitely noticed that baby's movement has slowed down a bit recently, they are still hugely active but I think space is becoming really limited so it's more like wriggles rather than lots of kicks and punches, although saying that, I am getting some super strong ones from time to time which still takes my breath away, especially when I have little feet kicking away at my ribs! Baby's hiccups are still a constant too, I am really trying to relish every single movement as I know it will be the one thing I will really miss about being pregnant.

Lots and lots of Braxton Hicks and period pain like cramps, headaches, heartburn and acid reflux, rib pain, back pain, tired legs and feet, and in the last few days I have noticed some swelling in my ankles and feet. Oh the joys!

General mood?
Really happy but feeling a little anxious as my due date gets ever closer!

Looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to just enjoying these final few weeks of my pregnancy. I have lots of little person's clothes to wash and organise and I have to pack mine and baby's hospital bag and generally get the house in order! I can't quite believe that in 5 weeks I will be meeting my baby and becoming a mother - I can not wait!!

Emi xx

Thursday 20 March 2014

31 & 32 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
33 weeks and 1 day 

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new apart from some underwear and practical things for my hospital bag!  As you might be able to tell from these pictures I can just about still fit into my old tops, so I might have to cave and buy a few maternity tops. The shops are full of such gorgeous clothes at the moment, which is torture as I can't fit into anything. *Sigh*

Stretch marks?
Still nothing, although the skin on my belly is so itchy so it must be stretching and growing. I am just slathering on the creams and oils non stop.

Sleep recently hasn't actually been that bad, or maybe I am just getting used to the discomfort! I still toss and turn constantly at night which is really odd as it takes forever to roll over!  I am so aware of the weight of baby and their comfort as I get huge kicks when I roll into a position they obviously don't like.  Third trimester tiredness has well and truly settled in now too - I just feel permanently tired all the time.

Best moment this week? 
The reason I didn't manage to do an update last week was that our cat went missing for 5 days, I was absolutely devastated and was desperately creating posters etc trying to find her.  Amazingly she wondered back, she was absolutely fine apart from looking a little thin so I can only assume she was trapped somewhere. Having her back has to be the best thing that happened as I was so sure we had lost her. We also picked up our beautiful new pram, the Uppababy Vista.  It is so wonderful, I could not be more pleased with it and I can not wait to use it once baby arrives.

Worst moment this week?
So apart from the cat saga we also had a horrible scare this week.  I have been experiencing quite a few Braxton Hicks, so on Tuesday night when they started I thought nothing of it as they weren't that uncomfortable.  However, I kept waking up needing to pee and in quite a lot of pain but just put it down to the usual aches and pains with pregnancy. However, at around 1am I couldn't take the pain anymore, I was experiencing severe period pain like cramps the worst I have ever felt in my life. The pain was also shooting down my thighs and in my lower back and it was coming really regularly and lasting for a good 5-10 minutes.  I tried everything rolling in different positions, walking around and drinking water but nothing was stopping the cramps they just kept coming in huge waves.  I woke up my husband and decided to call the hospital just to see what their advice was and thought it was better to be safe than sorry.  The midwife on the end of the phone was lovely and said that I should come in to be checked over, so off we went.  I was hooked up to a machine which monitors the baby's heart rate and my contractions and was given a hand held buzzer to press every time I felt the baby move, which happened to be a lot, little one was quite happy dancing away! The midwife then felt my bump, took my blood pressure and tested my urine sample. Then a doctor came to give me an internal examination to see if my cervix was dilating etc. Luckily everything came back negative and what they think I was experiencing was masses of Braxton Hicks and tightenings. After what felt like forever we were sent home. Apart from the internal examination which, I am not going to lie, really really hurt, I think the scariest part of being on the ward was hearing and seeing other women in labour, they were crying and moaning and it really hammered home that that was going to be me in a few weeks! 
That was definitely the scariest thing that has happened to me during this pregnancy - the thought of going into pre term labour at 33 weeks! It was amazing to hear baby's heartbeat for a good 30 minutes  but fingers crossed there will be no more false alarms and baby is happy in my womb for a few more weeks where they should be! 

Food cravings?
Nothing really although I have noticed that my appetite has died down a lot this week and I am not feeling like I need to eat anything and everything! I am also struggling with big meals as everything is getting so squashed.

Miss anything?
I can no longer reach my feet so being able to put my shoes on without struggling and being able to walk normally without waddling! Also while the weather in the UK has been so warm and sunny, a nice glass of wine! 

Baby moves non stop I get huge kicks all the time which make me wince in pain as they are so strong now - It still feels like I have a mini Rambo in there! As baby is head down my ribs are getting a good old bashing too,  I am looking forward to when they move further down so I get some relief in the rib area as they constantly feel bruised at the moment.

Lots of Braxton Hicks this week and the constant need to drink, I can't seem to drink enough water even though I get through 2 litres plus a day! My legs and feet feel seriously tired if I am standing for too long, even standing while cooking is hard work! I am still getting really out of breath when I walk anywhere which is such a pain and I just feel extremely heavy and tired.

General mood?
Happy and excited that the countdown is really on,  I can't believe in a matter of weeks I get to meet my baby!

Looking forward to?
The last couple of NCT classes, after one this coming Saturday we are all going for lunch afterwards which will be really lovely to actually get to know everyone a little better. I have my week 34 midwife appointment next week too, I can't believe how close we are now to our due date, I feel like I have been pregnant forever! 

Emi xx

Thursday 13 March 2014

Possibly The Best Concealer Ever

I have been plagued my entire life with under eye bags and dark circles, no amount of sleep, drinking water, eye masks or creams sadly seem to help - they are without doubt my most irritating and pesky bugbear!  I have spent years endlessly searching for eye creams, potions, lotions and concealers to keep them under control.  There really is an Aladdin's cave of products out there that claim to 'banish bags' and 'diminish dark circles' and unless you have been living under a rock you will know that YSL's Touche Eclat is iconic and brilliant for brightening the under eye area, but I find doesn't seem to help massively with the old eye bags - if anything the highlighting effect can enhance them!  Another goodie for the troublesome dark circles is Bobbi Brown's Corrector and probably the best budget concealer to date has to be the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer.  Even though these are all great at helping to conceal dark circles I am a girl who definitely needs a little extra helping hand in the under eye department when it comes to the bags. I discovered these absolute beauties and my prayers were finally answered when it came to tackling all my under eye woes, I had to include both of these concealers as I simply couldn't pick between them. Firstly,  By Terry Touch - Expert I swear has some serious magical powers when it comes to getting rid of bags and the darkest of circles, after one swipe of this magic pen my bags had pretty much vanished and my under eye area looked refreshed and extremely radiant.  It also nourishes the skin, plumping and rejuvenating, to help combat fine lines and sleepy complexions.  By Terry Touche Veloutee also packs a serious punch when it comes to brightening and concealing the eye area, it has a beautiful velvet texture and is a complete dream to blend.  The pen's brush is larger than the Touch - Expert and I would say the formula is ever so slightly lighter so I tend to sweep it onto the top of my cheeks for a 'Kardashian-esque' highlighting effect.  Hands down these two are the best concealers around and worth every penny! 

Emi xx

Wednesday 5 March 2014

30 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
31 weeks today

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new this week but I have just bought a birthing ball which is seriously comfortable and has really helped with my pelvic pain. 

Stretch marks?
Still nothing, fingers crossed I can escape them! 

Oh I wish I could write something positive about sleep, but sadly sleeping is still so uncomfortable.  Bump is so heavy now and for some reason all I want to do is toss and turn at night, which constantly wakes me up as my pelvis is not only screaming at me, but I feel like I have a huge bowling ball in my tummy.  Baby has also decided they want to be the most active in the middle of the night so I am woken up by huge kicks!  I actually love being woken up by them but it just means sleeping is really disturbed and I feel constantly tired because of it.

Best moment this week?
Watching baby dancing around in my tummy has to be the best thing this week, they are so strong now and I will never fail to be completely in awe of this tiny life growing inside of me.  I am pretty sure I can identify body parts now which is so exciting.  I am feeling massively positive and relaxed about the birth and the last few weeks of pregnancy,  practising my hypnobirth everyday has really helped and it has taught me to completely trust in nature and my body and that I am more than capable of being able to give birth - girl power and all! 

Worst moment this week?
I didn't have the nicest doctors appointment this week, I was so looking forward to hearing baby's heartbeat but the monitor they normally use wasn't available so my doctor used one of those old fashioned listening devices which really hurt when he pushed it into my tummy.  My blood pressure was also really high so I have to go back tomorrow for another check and baby is still measuring slightly small but I am sure it is because I am so tall.  I  also had the whooping cough injection this week which was absolutely fine, it just left me with a lovely dead arm!

Food cravings?
I am obsessed with Cadbury's cream eggs!! This has to be a serious perk with being pregnant at this time of year.

Miss anything?
It may sound silly but I really miss just being free to do things that I used to like, using certain beauty products, having a drink, going for long walks or runs, eating anything and everything without a second thought and not panicking about everything, like if I walk past someone who is smoking.  I keep daydreaming about having a glass of champagne and a platter of sushi - not long now!

Huge amounts of movement this week, sometimes it feels like I have Rambo in my tummy and the kicks can really be quite painful if baby is in certain positions, for some reason kicks in the side of my tummy are really uncomfortable!  Baby is still getting regular hiccups and has started to do what can only be described as a Mexican wave in my tummy - so cute!

Still the horrible pelvis pain and back ache this week, I think I will be grumbling about my pelvis until baby is here!  I am getting more and more breathless and just ridiculously tired all the time, it is first trimester all over again!  I am also even more forgetful at the moment and so clumsy!! I am dropping and spilling everything, it is becoming a bit of a joke just how much my brain is failing me! 

General mood?
Really content and happy this week.

Looking forward to?
I have a breast feeding class on Friday with NCT which should be really helpful.

Emi xx