Thursday 10 April 2014

35 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along?
36 weeks and 1 day! Eeeek next week I am technically full term!!

Maternity clothes?
Nothing new but I have recently signed up to the Cook New Mums' discount scheme which offers all new mothers 10% off yummy meals for 6 months. This will be extremely helpful when baby arrives as I doubt I will have any time at all to think about cooking, so to stockpile the freezer now seems like a genius idea! The website is for anyone who is interested.

Stretch marks?
Despite feeling like a whale I am so thankful to say no! I have no idea how I have avoided them completely, maybe it is down to good genes or all the products I have been lathering on religiously? One oil/cream combo I am using at the moment which is absolutely beautiful is the Pai Stretch Mark Oil and Cream.  As it is 100% organic and is created with absolutely zero nasties, it does smell a bit 'funky' but the way it leaves your skin is absolutely incredible - just like a babies bottom!

Urgh sleep this week has been non existent! As baby has now descended quite low down (which is great) it means I am needing the loo constantly!! The night time loo trips have increased to five or six times a night, it must be my body preparing me for all the sleepless nights to come! Rolling over is still a serious task as my bump is so large and my body just aches all over, not much fun.

Best moment this week?
Putting the final finishing touches to the nursery and generally getting all the last little bits ready, which is so exciting.  It definitely is a huge relief to have everything organised and ready for little one's arrival and having the hospital bags packed! Washing, ironing and sorting a mountain of baby clothes has made it all seem incredibly real that I am going to have a baby in a months time but I am so ready to meet my baby now, I feel like I have been pregnant forever!

Worst moment this week?
Nothing awful this week, thank goodness! I had my 36 week midwife appointment yesterday and I asked the midwives to  finally weigh me as I was curious to see how much I had put on,  which was seriously depressing and I almost wish they hadn't asked as I have put on a lot of weight!! Fingers crossed it will be easy to lose.

Miss anything?
Just the same as the last few weeks but mainly being mobile! I am starting to really waddle now and walking anywhere is quite a struggle. I miss silly little things like being able to put my shoes on with ease, in fact doing anything with ease! I can not wait to feel light again!

Movement has definitely slowed down a lot this week as there is zero room for baby to move around now.  I seem to have lots of wriggles and squirms and can now see little feet, hands and a bottom sticking out which is a little surreal but super cute.

Lots of symptoms again this week, joy! I hope baby will engage soon as I have been getting quite a lot of lightening pains in my groin which is apparently a good indication this is going to happen soon. Loads and loads of Braxton Hicks contractions and the period pain like cramps, needing the loo every five seconds, swollen ankles and feet, tired legs, acid reflux, headaches, nausea in the morning, and general third trimester exhaustion!

General mood?
Apart from feeling constantly uncomfortable I am feeling a mixture of huge excitement at the arrival of bubba but also huge anxiety and a feeling of being quite overwhelmed.

Looking forward to?
Just to enjoy these last few weeks being with my husband, just the two of us! We are planning lots of date nights as it will be the last time for a while we will be able to go out for dinner etc! Mainly I am  looking forward to my baby's arrival, even if it is tinged with slight fear of the unknown!

Emi xx